
First, I used a video recording application called video studio for my editing. This is on the App store of an iPhone. Then I organized my interview questions. I had to find a graduate of Thompson Rivers to share her experiences and life after graduating. She spoke about adapting and things to be caution about, and how easy it is just concentrating on only work. There is a transition into the final section of the interview, this transition was done with a pixellate effect I saw on the video studio app, the transition also consists of short video of student walking at old main, I also added a sound effect called contemplation, this play alongside the video. After the transition, I had another interview with a new international student, I asked her just two questions, how she dealt with socialization and home sickness. And that was the end of the interview.

Interview Questions

1.How were you able to cope with the change of environment?
2. How were you able to cope with studies and working?
3. What is some vital information new students usually neglect?
4. What’s the next step for you?

Interview Question for the new student

  1. How did you cope with socialization?
  2. How was home sickness dealt with?

video 2021 11 29 21 16 42 – YouTube